Village Green Bakery update!

I wanted to share with you some recent updates, as well that the test kitchen is in full swing and the reviews are all amazing - phew.


The Face cookie - A vote was held on Instagram and over 75% of the participants wanted to see the face vs the other options on the cookie.

Sourdough Bread may be coming to the bakery. The demand is there and the test baking is too delish to deny it.

Social Media :

- I have set up a Instagram & Facebook villagegreenbakery accounts. The FB account will update at the same time as the primary social media Instagram account.

- I participated in a interview on the Bakery with CBC earlier this week - should be on the radio tomorrow morning / Saturday after 830 am.

- ctv is also doing an interview - scheduled for April 19th

- email address update - is live

- website still under construction.

Village Green Bakery - what’s in a name?

- the name is to align with the community of VB - as well the bakery is on the Village Green

- the name has been legally approved.

Next steps :

- continuing to test recipes

- buying and building a new kitchen / bakery ( so easy right ??)

- building a website

- reno’ish’ing the bakery

- hiring

I am aiming for end of a June to be open but if I end of up with the best of luck a business could have and all the stars aligning it could be sooner. Don’t get too excited. This will NOT be easy to pull off in this amount of time. Patience will be a must.

Please give the Facebook or Instagram account for the bakery a follow. I will share more details there daily.

Thanks for following along. And thank you so much for all the love support and excitement you have !



CBC Interview


New Owner Announcement - It’s me !