Early Registration for U12 Kids & Cookies

Sign up for early registration for Cookie Decorating with your kiddos (under Age 12).

We are currently waiting to for the 2023 VB Schedule to drop so we don’t cause any double bookings.

Cookie decorating will be a family friendly event - parents are encouraged to join their kids while they play with dough, decorate and eat cookies. Snacks and socializing will be available for grown ups (no cleaning required).

We are estimating each participant will cost $35 - this will include a boat load of cookies to decorate (and yes sprinkles), a customized apron and a lot of great memories.

Event sizes will be capped so secure your spot now - you can always change your mind later (and I need to get an good count for interest).

IF there is interest for the older kiddos - please let me know and I’ll see if we have enough for another class.


Opening Day - May Long


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