VGB Season 3.0

Happy New Year !

Season 3.0 of VGB is finally on the horizon and planning is underway.

Honestly it feels like a lifetime ago that we were closing down the 2023 season…but the reality is that it was only a couple of months ago and I’ll tell you … I want the summer here sooner than later. I want to get back to work, and maybe enjoy the heat.

When we decided to open a Bakery in VB in 2022 it was a lot of work (and fast tracking) building a business, a bakery and then going hard with a shorter season for year 1. In year 2 we were coming off a personal home insurance nightmare that lasted up until right before re-opening for the season 2. And here we are today - prepping for Season 3.0 and I have no drama at home, a business plan to only tweak and a group of OG’s that all want to come back (hopefully I didn’t just jinx it). Needless to say year 3 is already so different than year 1 and 2 and I couldn’t be more excited to dive in.

What’s the Plan??

Sooo much and much all the same!! Lol - and yes I know I won’t be able to do it all but with the team I have I do feel it is all possible. Here is a quick run down/tease of some of the main updates and ideas that are floating around.

Hiring for Season 3.0

I am beyond humbled and proud to say most of our team is coming back for this season. For a small seasonal business I am blown away! Thank you so much to my team for believing in our business and their own eagerness to work hard….there is not a lot of downtime on team VGB. We work hard, play hard, and continue to grow individually and as a team!

A special shout out to sorta losing one of the OG’s - Jade! She has decided to get a big kid engineering summer job - something to do with her future career and schooling. She will be missed over the summer - but we can guarantee her that her new engineering job won’t be ‘as fun’ as at VGB. We wish her lots of luck and good times - but we still have you for the spring and fall!! Whoop - we won’t give you up, or maybe you won’t give us up?

Country Market

Last year we made a ONE weekend appearance and it was so much fun. We didn’t know what to expect and we had no experience in doing a market. Well from what we did learnt we know we want to come back every weekend if we can! So expect to see us there.

Selling at the market will great opportunity for those that don’t often venture past the gates to get meet us and indulge in our goodies…. and yes we are working on pre-orders for pick up at the market too.

Kids Market 2024

OMG that was way too much fun last year so of course we are going to do it all over again….and we are going for two rounds in 2024! Registration will open once we can confirm dates. The Kid Market dates will work around the VB event schedule to ensure we are not double booking your kiddos. And yes - you can register for both dates. Early registration to be released soon - early bird pricing! Follow social media for release dates.

Check out 2023 Kids Market Memories

Sweet 🍭VGB Events

I am hoping to host at least four evenings in July/Aug for cookie and/or cupcake decorating for kids & their side-kicks (family). While the kids decorate the parents will get to ‘socialize’. Stay tuned for dates and registration.

I want to build a stage!!

In 2023 we beyond beautified the Bakery Yard - once again Thank you HUGE TO our bakery family for helping seed the first half of the yard, and then grooming and laying over 3000 square feet of sod….I got to help too and it was the most fun (and dirty) work ever! Our bakery yard is sooo beautiful and tranquil. The stage is going up to support our local talent, bakery events and whatever else we can dream up.

Putting the Stage to work

I have lots of ideas on events to host using the stage! A couple that are floating around but not committed to (so consider this a tease or an insight into my thoughts) - Evening Outdoor Yoga, Talent Show, Kid Run Dance Classes, and as always supporting the Kids Bike Jam and the Kids Market.

If you have an idea or a proposal or a need for the stage drop me an email and let’s chat. I am looking for local talent that would want to ‘put on a show’ - so think about it and drop me an email and let’s see what we can come up with.

New Goodies at VGB

Did you know one of the biggest complaints is that we have too much to pick from!? Lol - for most it is a considered huge compliment, but then we do get the odd ‘eye roll’. Whatever - we love to bake, we love to experiment and oh well if it is too hard to pick just one thing. The next complaint is - why don’t you have any buns!? The reason - no one wants (aka me or tasking any of my team) to hand roll over 1000 buns to come close to the demand we would encounter. So heads up - I am looking into investing into a new piece of equipment that will enable us to cut and roll buns! This piece of equipment is not cheap - but it is the only option if we want to have hamburger and hotdog buns….and rolls.

And TMI (too much information) we are restricted to the type of equipment we can plug into our electrical panel (phase 1) due to the power/electrical situation we inherited. I don’t know if you heard but we actually BLEW up the power line when we first tested out turning everything on - very dramatic and loud! The challenge is our power is ‘old’ and the whole of downtown VB needs to be upgraded - unfortunately this is waaaaay outside my little seasonal bakery budget to fix. The upgrade would be on the RM - however I am sure the Store and Moonlight would appreciate Phase 3 power being extended to our business area from the parking lot one day….hint hint beg beg please.

Regardless Please Stay tuned for updates on our bun game plan.

Wrapping it up!

Once again thank you for following along on our Bakery Journey! I can’t wait to get back to the Beach - the winter is almost gone….i still can see snow! I miss the beach huge - and I miss the community even more.

More updates to come as I have them to share. Until then keep following along on social media!

Lots of Love -

jen & family


Manitoba & Beach Makers at Village Green Bakery